Elvis is fearsome given his small size and often found photobombing the other residents.
Cleopatra surveys the lake from her grassy knoll, she is the friendliest duck, you will ever meet. She was to be a meal for a celebration, but she found her way here, and has been ensconced ever since. She wasn’t that friendly to begin with, a bit stroppy and short tempered, no doubt why she had made the short list for the casserole. Faced with this fate, who wouldn’t be short tempered and stroppy? She had seen countless friends taken and never returned, birds have a good memory and make bonds of kinship and friends. She does not forget. I have often heard people say, ” bird brained”, as if…
Padme is one of the beautiful peacocks at Big V.
Bonnie & Clyde
Bonnie and Clyde are royal pains! They are gregarious, demonstrative, needy, very loud, and they like destroying the roof. If we happen to be sleeping past 5am they will knock on the bedroom window until we open the curtains. Calling out to them does not work; that is not good enough. They have to see that the curtains are open, and that they have manipulated the household enough to know that people are actually up. Bonnie is constantly at the kitchen window peering in to see what she can thieve from the kitchen. They work in tandem. If Bonnie is at the kitchen window and the bedroom window is open,…
The Chicken Crew
Chickens are intelligent and sensitive birds who may live up to 11 years in their natural environment. They love dust baths and the bathing helps to ward off parasites as well as maintain their feather insulation. Mother hens talk to their unborn babies, and they chirp back through their shells. Chickens know who’s boss. Just like us, they form social structures, known as “pecking orders”, and all chickens know their place on the ladder. They dream just like we do, experiencing REM (rapid eye movement) during sleep. These chickens at our sanctuary, who were rescued from imminent slaughter and in a terrible condition with very few feathers, now love to…
The Gobby Geese
Contrary to common misconceptions, most geese are friendly creatures. They are highly social birds and if they are raised around other animals, they usually get along well with them. Not only will they form lifelong bonds with their feathered partners, but they can be equally dedicated to human carers. They will naturally bond with the person who feeds them as a chick and remain dedicated to that person as their surrogate “parent” throughout their lives. Geese can live up to twenty years if well cared for. The geese living here at the sanctuary were saved from slaughter. You have our deepest gratitude for choosing to support our sanctuary and helping…