In memory of ...

In memory of the past residents of the sanctuary

  • Photo of Duchess the cow


    Duchess was a gentle lady. Sadly, she was born into the dairy industry and so didn’t remember her mother; they were separated when she was very young. As soon as she was old enough she was artificially inseminated and after carrying her baby for nine months she gave birth, only to have her child removed almost immediately so that her milk could be sold to humans. When she was unable to produce any more profit for her owners, due to having a hysterectomy following a problematic calving, she was neglected and starved for so long that she became emaciated and unable to stand. It was then that she was rescued…

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  • Photo of pigeon

    Blake Forrest

    Blake Forrest fell from a high windowsill while still very young – just a few days old. He was hand-reared in the house at the Big V sanctuary and enjoyed his new accommodation so much that he became reluctant to leave despite the invitation of open windows on fine days!  One of his favourite activities was waking the family at sunrise to demand his breakfast. He was also known to tap out a little tune on the piano in the middle of the night! You have our deepest gratitude for choosing to support our sanctuary and helping us to care for our precious residents. Thank you for being one of…

  • Alf and Rudolph at the Big V sanctuary

    Alf, Rudolph, Joy & Meg

    Alf, Rudolf, Joy and Meg were rescued from a Christmas Turkey Sale in December 2017. Amazingly, turkeys can fly very high. Soon after their arrival at our sanctuary we were very disconcerted when we couldn’t find Rudolf for some time. We eventually located him high in a tree! Intelligent and loyal creatures, the favourite pastime of this little foursome was trying to get into the house! You have our deepest gratitude for choosing to support our sanctuary and helping us to care for our precious residents. Thank you for being one of ‘the best people’!