More ways to help
Our Amazon wishlist
If you’d like to send a gift to one of our residents, please check out our Amazon wishlist. It covers the essentials like first aid and food to some little extras that will improve the life of all the animals at the Big V Sanctuary.
Our Patreon page
Our Patreon crowd-funding page enables our special members to subscribe and support our work with regular donations. We’d love to raise $1200 a month as this support enables us to plan and takes away the stress, enabling us to focus on the residents.
By becoming a patron of Big V Sanctuary you will be supporting the ongoing care of our rescued animals, you will help towards the rescue of more abused and mistreated individuals and you will assist us in our work of promoting veganism and animal rights. With your kind donations we will also be able to increase our reach via various social media platforms and on-the-ground activism. All of this results in saving more precious lives.
Join us on Teaming
Every little helps, and with our Teaming fund you can join in and help Big V with just one euro a month. Regular donations, no matter how small, all add up. They help us to plan and provide security and certainty to our residents, like sweet Luna.